February 2020 Newsletter |
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![]() February
E-Newsletter 2020 Our
blasted local groundhog saw his shadow. How this happened, since this February was a
record month for gloomy weather, is a mystery. The header photo is typical of my view this
month. Despite the gloomy weather, I’ve
been seeding on schedule, with 49 varieties underway. Things are germinating nicely, and soon the
transplanting will begin. And, thankfully,
there are many horticultural events on the calendar providing opportunities to
hone our horticultural skills, and that remind us spring is on the way. It comforts me to know that beneath the
mounds of snow, resting in the frozen soil, spring bulbs and perennials are
silently growing lovely root systems and are just as eager to push their bloom
stalks upward as I am to see them! Upcoming
Events: Fort Wayne Home & Garden Show: Sat., Feb. 27-March 1. In its 47th year, with over 650
vendors! Speakers, including garden
expert Melinda Myers. Open until 9 pm
each day! Fort Wayne Coliseum. Newfields Hort Symposium: Sat, Feb 29, 7:45am-4:30p.m. A full day of educational speakers focused on
plants and environmental stewardship.
Topics: Japanese gardens, Hardy
perennials from Chicago Botanic Garden trials, colorful annuals at the
Cincinnati Zoo (the gardens there are spectacular!) resilient landscapes for
the changing climate, integrating art & horticulture, houseplant care. $95 public; $70 members. Includes morning refreshments and lunch. Buy tickets on-line at
discovernewfields.org. Philadelphia Flower Show: February 29-March 8, 2020. Established in 1829, this amazing show
quickly became the largest indoor display in the world, covering 10 acres with
gardens and garden-related displays.
This year’s theme “Riviera Holiday,” beckons
you to embrace your inner romantic and create a Mediterranean inspired garden
of your own. Ornate pottery and patterned tiles, a well-placed pergola and
abundant clusters of scented flowers, ornamental fountains and herb parterres
provide irresistible appeal along with sustainable lower maintenance,
water-wise options that are both responsive to and reflective of temperate
conditions. Tickets
can be purchased on-site, but book your hotel room now to get one within
walking distance. Wisconsin Herb Society Spring Symposium: March 7.
“It’s the Berries!” is the theme of this fun event. Held at the Women’s Club in Milwaukee. Vendors, speakers, a bountiful breakfast and
herbal luncheon (gluten free available) $70
Pre-registration required, but is available on-line.. Indiana Flower & Patio Show: March 14-22, 2020 at the Indiana State
Fairgrounds. Lots of interesting
speakers this year, including Chris Lambton from “Yard Crashers.” Check the show website for lots more info. Also, on March 16th, take a can or
two of food for the needy, and receive $4 off your admission! Kentuckiana Spring Herb Education Day: Saturday, March 28, 9:00-3:00. “You’re Berry Welcome!” This beautiful event is held at
Huber’s Orchard & Winery’s Plantation Hall and features tables and tables
of herbal goodies made by its members, plus an array of vendors, including lots
of plants. Good food, good company. Three speakers including “Nature’s Edibles,”
“Growing Berries Organically,” Berries to Beverages.” $45 ticket includes morning tea and
lunch. Registration forms at www.KentuckianaHerbSociety.org
Pansy Sale…March 28. The Morgan Co.
Master Gardeners will again host their huge pansy sale and GardenFest, at the Monroe Co. Master Gardeners’ Fair: Saturday, April 4, 9am – 4pm
at the Monroe County Fairgrounds / Bloomington, Indiana, 5700 W Airport Rd,
Expanded to two buildings this year! SEE ME THERE at my book booth! HSCI Herb Symposium: Saturday, April 11. 9:30-2:30. Fabulous event, “Celebrating Rubus,
Blackberries, Raspberries & More!” Five
informative presentations, silent auction, vendors, plant sale, swag bag,
breakfast snack, beverages, and bountiful herbal lunch are all included. Topics:
Herb of the Year, Garden Phenology, Creating Herb blends, Tai Chi for
Gardeners, and Best Fragrant Plants for Midwest Gardens. Print out a registration form or register
online at www.herbsocietyofcentralindiana.org Deadline is April 3rd. This event fills fast, so don’t delay! Join me there! Herb
to Know: Lemon One of the joys this time of year, are the
wonderful flowers, visual, aromatic and tasty, provided by my lemon tree. I disagree with the lyrics of the song,
“Lemon Tree, very pretty, and the lemon flowers are sweet. But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible
to eat!” I love lemons! Even though it is young, this tree has produced
a bounty of bright, cheery yellow fruits all winter. Right now, the fruits have all been
harvested, but there are clusters of brand new buds ready to open. I’ll hand-pollinate them, since there are no
insects in my basement to do it, give it a good feeding, and soon enjoy lemons
for my tea or maybe a lemon meringue pie or two! Although lemon trees can survive a frost,
I prefer to move mine into my basement before frost to prevent stress, and
because there are usually lemons on it at that time. It sits in front of west-facing sliding glass
doors, and seems happy there all winter.
As soon as the weather settles a bit, I move it onto the adjoining patio
on nice days, but am prepared to slide it back indoors if temperatures plummet. Most people are aware that lemons are
filled with Vitamin C, and that they were carried on ships to help prevent
scurvy. Lemon and honey has long been
used as a remedy for sore throats and coughs.
In his book “Green Pharmacy,” Dr. James Duke suggests “steeping 2 tsp.
organic lemon rinds, 1 tsp. sage and ½ tsp. thyme in a cup of boiling water for
15 min. Then add the juice of 1 lemon
and 1 T. honey” to ease a cough.
Surprisingly, he also suggests eating lemon rinds, which contain rutin,
for varicose veins. Lemon zest, juice and pulp have been used
in cooking for centuries, providing flavor for beverages, baked goods, salads,
and just brightening whatever foods with which they are combined. RHS Wisley! In this final installment of my October
London trip, I’m sharing views of RHS Wisley which has been on my “bucket list”
for several years, but somehow was never worked into the schedule. This time, it was top priority and
fortunately the timing was perfect because it was their “AutumnFest,” which included
lots of extra displays and food vendors.
Wisley is home to some of the world’s largest plant collections, as well as some truly outstanding gardens. Whereas Kew (another RHS site) is more focused on ornamental gardens, Wisley is committed to maintaining the “useful” plants, including heirlooms as well as new introductions, both of which are constantly evaluated by scientists.
Just as an example, Wisley is home to the world’s largest collection of rhubarbs, a few of which are shown here in the trial grounds but I was unable to capture all 136 varieties in a single shot! I didn’t dream there were that many rhubarbs!
Wisley is also committed to finding and preserving the best food crops for the British kitchen garden, the best trees for lumber or fruit or nut production and those collections are just as impressive. It is often called the best demonstration garden in Europe. It is said that Wisley is the place that shows gardeners how it should be done!
Unfortunately it was a bit drizzly as we arrived, so some of my photos are not the best, but I think you can get an idea of the beauty there. Wisley began in 1878 as the garden of a prominent man who was interested mainly in growing fruit and orchids. When he died in 1902, it was purchased by another wealthy, passionate gardener and active member of the Royal Horticultural Society who generously donated it to the Society as an educational and learning garden, and it is now the Society’s headquarters.
These are some of the original buildings, surrounded by beautiful plantings.
One building houses the extraordinary horticultural library, which we visited. They were having a huge sale of duplicate books, but unfortunately my suitcase was already at its limit.
Nearby, this reflection pond, called the
Jellicoe Canal, is home to a plant that definitely made me smile! There was also a big collection of potted succulents on the steps, and a lovely view of the Conifer Lawn. Just a bit along was a Spiral Garden that is the setting for thousands of bulbs in spring, but is transformed into an autumn garden with the addition of dried stalks of teasel, sea holly, and colorful dogwood twigs as well as dried gourds, colorful pumpkins and squash, and antique boxes of heirloom apples.
Wisteria Walk was past its bloom period, but the rounded trellis was home to
other various vines and flowers. Like many extensive gardens, as one walks along there are enticing paths leading in other directions, but obviously in one day, they cannot all be followed. So, we chose the areas we wanted to see most, such as the Cottage Garden and the Mixed Borders.
A project just planted was this interesting hill, with its spiraling path to the top. The sides were planted with lavenders and rosemary, and the views from the top were beautiful. It will be a sensual treat when the lavenders bloom.
The Rock Garden was amazing, but I only took a quick photo of a part of the extensive bonsai area, in order to spend more time studying the Vegetable Garden.
I did not make it to the Alpine Meadow, or the South African Meadow, the Water Lily Pavilion, the Heather Landscape, the Pinetum, the Pollinator Garden, the Hilltop Border, or the Riverside Walk. We did walk to the Glasshouse, but not through it. It’s no wonder we couldn’t see it all…there’s 240 acres!
The Allotment Gardens were quite a hike
from the fruit orchards, but my daughter was determined to go and take some
photos for me, even though their season was nearly over. We enjoyed the Autumn Fest so much, with all the cider vendors, food & veg vendors that I neglected to take any photos. There was also an antique tractor show.
Wisley is constantly renovating the gardens. One of the current major projects is an entirely new Trial Garden. The other is a garden dedicated for Wildlife.
We did a quick walk-through of the Rose Garden
As is generally the case in Britain, the Walled Garden was outstanding, and this little woodland area carpeted with cyclamen made me jealous.
You may know that Britain has been invaded by a caterpillar that is destroying many of the countries’ historical boxwood plantings. This lovely box garden is a test ground to see which (if any) varieties and species show any resistance, and how one might treat them.
By the end of the day, we were ready to rest a bit in this unique Japanese pavilion by the lake.
The extensive shop is packed with an array of gardening items, some of which are exclusive to the shop. The Plant Sales area is HUGE, with an amazing variety (and a 5 yr. guarantee on hardy plants!)
There are three cafés, but we chose luncheon at the Terrace Restaurant, which was indeed memorable, and included cider made from Wisley’s orchard, containing over 670 apple cultivars.
I was SO impressed at the scale and beauty
of Wisley, especially considering the lateness of the season. It’s STILL on my bucket list, because I think
I MUST see it in spring, and after the new Trial Garden and Wildlife Gardens
are opened, and because there was much more than I could view in only one
day. If London is on your itinerary, do make
the (about 1 hr.) drive to the southwest to visit RHS Wisley. I can’t wait to return! Did you
know: * Recent
research indicates that drinking 8-10 glasses of plain water (not flavored, not
tea, not coffee…just water) significantly eases joint pain and back pain for up
to 80% of those participating in the study.
It also decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, breast cancer by 79%,
and bladder cancer by 50%!! Drink more
water! * Research has proven that the daily practice
of gratitude, that is counting your blessings and being thankful, is an
important step toward wellness and happiness . * By flying in a “V” formation, geese increase their flying efficiency by over 70%. Pretty good for something with a brain the size of a pea. And, they never leave one of their fellow flock members alone. If a goose is having a problem flying or keeping up, another goose will escort him/her to the ground and stay with him until he is ready to continue. Hopefully we’ll see some “V’s” flying north soon!
Recipe: Orzo Avocado Salad Avocados are in season, so take advantage of their low price in
this tasty salad. It’s hearty enough for
a luncheon, and pretty as well! Cook 1 c. orzo pasta as directed on
package. Drain, rinse and allow to cool. Meanwhile make the dressing by
combining in a jar: 1/3 c. Half & Half; the zest of a lime
plus ¼ c. lime juice; 2 T. sour cream, 2 T. mayonnaise, ½ tsp. chili powder; ½
tsp. salt; ¼ tsp. black pepper and one garlic clove, finely chopped. Shake until smooth. Refrigerate until needed. Combine in large bowl: 1 c. sliced black olives, 1 c. cherry or grape tomatoes, quartered; 1 can
whole kernel corn (drained); 1 can black beans (rinsed and drained); 4 green
onions, thinly sliced; 1/2 c. finely chopped cilantro; ¼ c. finely chopped
parsley. When ready to serve, add orzo and 1
avocado (peeled and diced) to bowl. Toss
gently with dressing until nicely blended.
Top salad with another avocado (peeled and sliced), a few cherry tomato
halves, and sprinkle with finely chopped cilantro or parsley. 6 generous servings. Herbal
blessings, Carolee |