April 16, 2005 Print
What a beautiful day! We've been blessed with several sunny, warm days in a row, and the plants really appreciate it, as do we! I can just see the growth difference from watering in the morning, and then looking at the same plants in the evening. Sometimes there's more than 3 new leaves in one day! Things are popping into bloom, so there'e lots of color on the sales benches now. The daffodils are at their peak in the gardens. I'm hoping they last till Susan Albert's visit next Tuesday evening, but I have my doubts, especially if it stays warm and no rain. My deck garden has hellebores, frittilarias, tulips, hyacinths, primroses, dwarf irises joining the dozen varieties of daffodils, so it is quite a lovely sight. Too bad I don't have more time to enjoy it, but these days I live at the farm!

We've started working in the gardens a bit, and hope to do some planting this coming week. The chickweed is blooming, as well as the henbit, and if one doesn't remove them before they seed, a garden is blessed with tens of thousands more during the summer! They are rampant seeders! We also had our first mowing of the lawns, and it is amazing how a good mowing sets the gardens off visually. We still have 2 areas to clean up ice storms branches!