Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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July 27, 2005 Print E-mail
RAIN! Finally! I'm thrilled to report that we finally had a good, long rain last night, and it is still drizzling today. Hurrah--that means I have 5 extra hours to do something else besides drag hoses today! And, the plants and gardens look so much happier already. I spent much of the past two days working in my gardens at home--like the shoemaker's children, they often are the last to get any attention. I've also been planting lots of treasures in the Moonlight Garden, trying to make it look fuller and more lush. I love this time of year, as I finally have time to do some things to improve the farm. This past week, we moved all the plants from the perennial sales area into temporary rows on pallets, and tore down the entire shade structure! The space looks immense now, with a new layer of fresh, clean crushed stone. I actually moved the old shade houses from my old farm, and put them up "temporarily" until I decided for sure where I wanted them, and what style. Thirteen years later, the "temporary" structures were crumbling, and threatening to fall down upon our heads in the next gust of wind, so down they came. New structures go up in August!

The gardens looks surprisingly good, with lots of flowers blooming. The last of the daylilies are gorgeous. I always hate to see them end, as they provide such masses of color. The Joe Pye and Ironweed are coming on in the Butterfly garden, as well as the staple for August, the tall garden phlox. Mine look especially good this year. The asters are growing like crazy, so they should look great in a few weeks. I've been harvesting lots of herbs, so the barn is filled with bunches hanging everywhere. I want to make lots of teas, sleep pillows, bath mixtures, and sachets this fall. I still can't believe the season is already winding down. Hope you are getting some rain, if you need it. I'll be planting lavenders today! Hurrah, what a job I have. Happy Gardening, Carolee