Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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May 4, 2005 Print E-mail
Heavy Frost again this morning. I just hope today isn't as windy as yesterday, so that I can comfortably work in the gardens. I did get some perennials divided and potted, and made up lots of colorful baskets for Mothers'Day. Found a few mushrooms, but didn't really have time to look except in the Shade Garden as I was working. My deck garden at home is fabulous. Now the mid-size irises are coming into bloom, adding dark purple and apricot tones to the orange lily tulips, golden foliaged perennials, white narcissus, yellow species tulips and grape hyacinths. The yellow columbines add height. I need to deadhead the finished daffodils and mark some clumps for dividing once the foliage has ripened. Today I hope to take cuttings of all the tall phlox, shear the mums, and divide more daylilies. They are getting tall, but I just didn't have time to do it earlier. Fortunately, daylilies are tough! Always lots to do!