Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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April 27, 2005 Print E-mail
April, the cruelest month! Days of lovely weather lull us into a false sense of Spring, the BAM! Mother Nature throws a temper tantrum and sends two days of snow, blustery winds, and cold, cold, cold. The barn became another plant house, as we moved hundreds of flats indoors for the cold weekend, then back out again. Hopefully, we won't have to do that again, but our frost-free date is not until May 10th, so we have to wait and see. Meanwhile, we are potting plants like crazy, adding dozens of new varieties to the sales area every day. I spend some time every day trying to get the dandelions out of the lavender field, since it is the only garden we can work in with all the rain we've been having. I love dandelions in salads, and wilted with bacon, onion, and diced potatoes, but I can't eat the hundreds that are popping up. If I had time, I'd pick blooms to make dandelion wine. I will make a batch of dandelion fritters tonight. Since I don't have time to go mushroom hunting, they're the next best thing!

My deck garden continues to be my joy and respite during this hectic season. The early daffodils and crocuses have been replaced by the late tulips and hyacinths, so the garden is still scrumptious! The hellebores are lovely--I need more of those here. And, the columbines are nearly ready to open, so when the tulips are gone, they will replace them in the composition. I wish I had all the farm gardens done as well as this garden. Maybe someday!