Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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April 2, 2005 Print E-mail
We're OPEN! Although the weather has been less than ideal, the farm has been welcoming lots of visitors, eager for the first plants of spring. Our first daffodils opened yesterday, which was a treat. After the radio show this morning, I hurried back to the farm to prepare for the afternoon's workshop, "Planting a Spring Basket". What a treat to combine cheery pansies, jewel-toned primroses, fragrant stock and alyssum, and happy violas into "movable gardens"! After everyone left, and the farm was closed for the day, I made a few more just for the fun of it! The birds and frogs were singing, I sipped a glass of wine as I worked, and had a great opera CD on to keep me company. Does life get any better?