Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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January 10, 2008 Print E-mail
Well, in typical Indiana fashion, our frigid weather and snow was replaced by rain, then temperatures in the sixties! I'd say this was unusual, but a check of my journals for the past six years indicates that these wildly swinging weather styles are typical for central Indiana. If nothing else, it keeps us on our toes. We are grateful for any day with sunshine, which keeps the greenhouse furnaces from devouring gallons of fuel. Besides, the plants are so much happier on sunny days, and so am I! I'll be heading out to Atlanta for all the gift marts tomorrow. Their pansies will be in bloom, and it will feel like Spring! I'm sure I'll find treasures for the Barn, and spend more than I should. Look for a report here when I return.