Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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March 20, 2007 Print E-mail
Beautiful sunshine, and the plants are loving it! We'll spend today in the greenhouse, transplanting hundreds of seedlings into their own individual pots. I also hope to start working in the coldframe, getting it ready for Opening Day. Although many of the plants there have not broken dormancy, a few are beginning to show bits of green sprouts, so it is encouraging. We should have a great selection of beauties for April 1st. Thanks to help from friends, we were able to repair the burst hydrant, so we have water again! HURRAH! It's amazing how we take little things for granted, but dragging those hoses from the pumphouse and back every day helped tone-up those winter-softened muscles in a hurry!

The bright yellow crocuses and flocks of robins have brought great pleasure. We'll need to spend an afternoon picking up fallen branches and moving some stone into areas that got deluged by rain, but we'll be ready for visitors soon. We've been doing some painting and improving, moving things around outdoors. You'll notice some changes (I hope!)