Carolee's Herb Farm

Carolee's Herb Farm

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April 5, 2006 Print E-mail
The daffodils are beginning to bloom, but the crocuses still look spectacular. In the Woodland Garden, scilla, primulas, hellebores, lungworts, and miniature daffodils are decorating the scene. I walk there every day, and just marvel at God's handiwork in creating the diversity of flowers and plants for us to enjoy. Add to that the singing of the birds and warm sunshine--what could be better? Of course, the warm sunshine has been a little on the shy side, but that makes us enjoy it even more when it does occur.

We've begun moving selected tough perennials outdoors, mainly just to make room for all the hundreds of plants that are crowding the greenhouse, and need to go next door to the coldframe.

Workshops have begun, and we've had a great group of folks attending. Last week's soap workshop was especially fun, and we made a great batch of rose geranium soap. I picked rose geranium, since scented geraniums are the Herb of the Year. Now I'll have beautiful scented soap to show you what you can do with the essential oil from these wonderful plants. Next weekend is herbal teas, one of my favorites, since it was plants for teas that really got me hooked on growing herbs!

The shop is still filling with boxes arriving almost daily. I'm very pleased with the displays we have, although some of them are already looking empty! Guess you like what we offer!

As I look out my office window, the grass is really getting green, and beginning to grow in clumps. We'll need to mow before long, but first we need to pick up sticks from the many storms that have roared through. No damage so far, but I cross my fingers each time the thunder rolls.

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