Jan. 4, 2005 Print
Another year! The New Year seems to come more quickly! I feel as if we just closed the farm, and already we are knee-deep in planning for spring! The pansies and violas have been seeded and are doing nicely. I've continued to take cuttings, keeping the propagating mats filled constantly, so the greenhouse is filling already with new plants. Today as I worked, the pretty blooms on the flowering maples kept catching my eye. The circles of red or pink, and a few orange, fill the branches, putting on quite a show! The rosemary bushes are already starting to bloom as well, and the flowers turn the branches into blue arms reaching for the gray sky. We havn't had much sun lately, but at least all this rain wasn't snow, so there are no complaints here! Well, I need to take the Christmas tree down, and pack all the decorations away again. Always a depressing day, so I guess I'll have to bake something to lift my spirits! Hope you had a Happy New Year, and that 2005 is filled with herbal blessings for you and yours! Carolee